
Funny At The Fringe – INTERVIEW – The Times They Are A John Hastings 

It is festival season and that means that in the next month there is so many great comedy festivals to look forward to! This month we are looking at some of the great shows that you can see at the Edinburgh Fringe. So take note because we are going to give you all the information you need for just a handful of some of the great shows happening this year!

The Times They Are A John Hastings 

Location:   Monkey Barrel Comedy – Monkey Barrel 2 (Venue 515)

Dates: 31st July, Aug 1st-27th

Time: 20:35

Price: £10

Ticket Link:

Hello! Tell us about yourself? 

My name is John, I recently farted. I am about to have a salad. I am hoping to be entertaining on this interview. Me Uncle reads all my press and I aim to entertain (him only).

How did you come up with the name of your show that you’re taking to the fringe?

I asked the gods. Zeus answered. He puked this title into my butthole and I puked it onto the universe. (Meant to be read as if I was saying it like George W. Bush) 

Tell us all about your show!

It’s a classic hour of hard bits told by an absolute legend. 

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

Dylan Gott, Carl Donnelly and Felicity Ward (none are appearing at the festival) (I just checked Carl is, take him off the list) 

Have you done the fringe before? What are the key pieces of advice you have been given or would give to new groups or people performing at the fringe. 

This is my mine millionth time heading up to Uncle Moneys house of art and I always give people the same advice: see my show many times and then give me money. Also try the soho. 

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

It’s in this years show. Attend to hear please and thanks. 

What have been some of the most unique and different comedy shows you have seen this year and why?

I saw a hawk and crow have fight resulting in hawk dive bombing some sort of family festivity occurring in a backyard. I did not see the dive bomb result but the ensuing noise was fantastic. 

Talk us through your daily routine for a day at the Fringe

Wake up. Crush life. Be awesome. Cry because gos is dead and we are but swimming in the chaos. 

What is the best way to enjoy yourself at the Fringe?

Regularly. (What an utter punk I have become) 

Best thing about performing at the fringe?

Regularly (I do really feel like I should be dragged through a town via my thumbs for heading to that well for a second time. Ah, the best thing about performing at the fringe is you have learned to take chances) 

The most challenging thing about performing at the fringe?

I would say it’s how wet the toilet cubicles are in Scotland.

What would be your top three items every performer must take to the fringe?

A towel (hitchhikers fans unite) A cunning usually reserved for jewel thieves in the gilded age An open heart 

What’s the secret to successful flyering? 

Paying good flyerers! 

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

A paying one! 

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

@thejohnhastings please! F*** you! 

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show?

 It is good (for real!)

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