
The 30 Day Book Challenge! -Day 20 – Favourite Romance Book

Welcome to a brand new feature that is going to run for this month – this April we are going to celebrate the world of Books! The last few weeks and months we have all been part of a weird world to say the least so this month we thought it would be nice to talk about something that allows you to escape even if it just for a chapter at a time. So this month we are taking on the 30 Day Book Challenge and looking at a different topic each day, enjoy!

30 day book challenge

Day 20: Favourite Romance Book
NAME OF BOOK: Can You Keep A Secret? Sophie Kinsella 

secretOut of all the Sophie Kinsella books I think I have read Can You Keep A Secret more then any other ones of her book. It is such a good book and it is one that I just don’t ever get bored of.

Can You Keep a Secret follows Emma as she is heading up to a business meeting in Scotland via plane. She has a fear of flying and when the flight hits really bad weather she ends up telling all of her secrets to a stranger. When she returns to her London office the CEO is at the company and it ends up being the guy that she spilled all her secrets to.

It is such a great book, it has the great elements of a comedy and romance and it has some great laugh out loud moments. It is one of those books that I have always wondered why they haven’t made a film about it. Well, last year they did and from looking at the trailer it looks awful and I really wish it was made by someone in the UK instead of America as I feel it would of stood a chance of being good as it has so much potential. I personally don’t see how this book would work in a USA environment and I felt the same with Shopaholic films as well (As they were ruined too).

If you want a book that will brighten up your day then I highly recommend reading this book.

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