Brighton Fringe 2023

Brighton Fringe – INTERVIEW – Benjamin Alborough: Absolute Monopoly

This month I will be talking to different acts that are taking part in the Brighton Fringe Festival. Today I speak to Benjamin Alborough about a show about Monopoly and much more…

Location: Brighton Spiegeltent: Bosco
 27th May
Time: 18:30
Ticket Price: 
£10 Concession £8

Hello! Tell us about your act ? 

I condense the terrible board game Monopoly into a single hour and remove all the problematic elements (game length, repetitiveness, tedium) and replace them with superior problematic elements (politics, psychological challenges, milk).

How did you come up with the name of your show that you are taking to the Brighton fringe?

Absolute Monopoly is a handy play on words that is not only a victory mechanic of the board game but an indication as to the finality of the show. Once you’ve seen it, you’ll have no more questions about anything.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

If I were to condense the style of the show down to three words, those words would be “very well performed”

What can people expect from your Brighton Fringe performance?

This show is for anyone who’s played a game of Monopoly that’s gone on for too long or has ended in an argument. Why do we keep playing it when it’s so bad?

I’d like to say that this show really explores that element of our social psyche, but I spend a lot of time on stage fucking about and yelling.

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

Every other act at Brighton Spiegeltent’s Weekend of Weird – it’s a fantastic 4 day event of alternative acts and I’d strongly encourage people to go to all of them! More info about all the acts here.

How are the rehearsals going?

Rehearsals are for cowards. “All the world’s a stage” so I “rehearse” by going to Big Tesco.

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

I’ve done the Brighton Fringe a great many times and have done shows in basically all of the venues in the city by now. I had a blast doing Ricky Riddlegang and the Riddle Gang a few years ago – a show definitely for adults that was accidentally marketed to kids who ended up loving it more than some of the adults. I’m also doing the Edinburgh Fringe later in the year; a full run debut with Assembly Festival which is very exciting. 

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Brighton Fringe next year?

The landscape of the Brighton Fringe is constantly in flux. The Spiegeltent are great and I would advise any potential performer to check it out this year. Unless you’re an end-of-the-pier act in which case I recommend the Crazy Mouse ride – good luck.

What is the best thing about performing at the Brighton fringe?

Easy access home for roast dinners.

What are your three favourite things about Brighton?

I’m actually Brighton born and bred, so I suspect that most of my favourite things growing up are probably gone now! That said, it’d have to be Hanningtons, the West Pier and King George IV.

Leafleting and promotion through the streets of Brighton is a huge part of the festival – what are your tips for flyering?

Leave flyers wherever you can; police stations, ambulance waiting bays, outside Chris Eubank’s house – remember no bad news is good news.

Tell us about your average day on a festival show run?

6.29pm: wakeup
6.30pm: perform show
7.31pm: bedtime

Performing by the sea as well, that surely makes the fringe all that much more fun?

By this question’s logic a festival furthest away from the sea is the least fun. Well, I had a lovely time in Leicester this year. Next year I’m booked in for a lovely gig in Xinjiang province at the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility.

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?


If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

@BJAlborough on twitter, @ben_alborough on instagram.
@brightonspiegeltent on insta for news on all Weekend of Weird shows.
I also run a fortnightly comedy newsletter called The Sunday Dreadful, which you can sign up to here:

And Finally finish this sentence – ‘you should see our show at Brighton Fringe because….

You went to secondary school with me and want a progress update on my bullying.

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