
Ones To Watch 2023 – INTERVIEW – Sid Seth

It is that time of the year where we celebrate the acts that you need to keep an eye on in 2023. It is an exciting time of the year as it means we can talk to acts to find out what they have in store for audiences and what you can look forward to in the new year. Today we speak to musician Sid Seth all about music in store for this year.

Hello please introduce yourself?  

Hey there! I am Sid Seth, a singer-songwriter in NY. The key to my heart is  chocolate and coffee. 

How was 2022 for you – what were the highlights?  

To be honest, I am so glad that I finally released  music. I have been sitting on it for way too long and it was time. And, I am so  glad I’ve been able to share it! 

How did you get into music? 

Growing up, my mom and dad used to play a lot of music in the house. It ranged  from Simon & Garfunkel to Bollywood Music. So you can imagine I ended  hearing a lot of different styles growing up. It was in middle school, I got to know  I could sing and I pursued it ever since. 

What are your plans for the band in 2023? 

For me, I am very excited to share more music, hopefully gig in multiple cities  and countries and meet more people! 

What other bands and musicians are you looking forward to seeing  perform this year?  

We are already at the end, so I am hoping I get to watch a lot of acts next year.  Some of them that are on the top of my head – Steve Lacy, Beyonce, Tems,  Kendrick Lamar and Taylor Swift (if I get her tickets ) 

What styles do you hope to see more of in music his year?  

A lot more vocal music. I don’t know how to explain this but, let’s try. For me, I  am very drawn in towards strong melodies even more than say the coolest  production. And, in my opinion, strong melody lines usually have good vocalists  on it. So I hope more of that? 

What band is your ones to watch in 2023 and why?  

 I listen to a lot more solo acts. So I’d say Omar Apollo! I have been a fan of his  work since 2017 and I am glad he is finally getting the recognition he deserves.  Also, love what Arooj Aftaab is doing! What a voice. 

Do you have any new years resolutions? If so what are they?  

Sleep. I am pretty sure I can complete that. Hahah. I am tired now and just want  some rest. I can’t wait to share a lot of things very soon! 

Are you on social media? If so how can people find out more about your  troupe?  

Yes! On Instagram – @sidsethsings ; Tiktok – @sid_seth. But, the easiest is 

I post everything music related there and all my social links are over there too!

Three words why people should come and see you this year?  

Catchy. Vocals. Energy 


The movie or television show you are looking forward to seeing this year?  

 I just finished it! White Lotus Season 2. AHHHHH!!!! WHAT WAS THAT LAST  SCENE. AjhdkjHakdgka 

Your favourite book?  

Harry Potter 4 and Outliers! 

One thing you will always remember about 2022?  

That I finally took the courage to put myself out there and started to build Sid  Seth.  

If you could paint anything what would you paint?  

Sky and Water 

What is the most delightful word you can think of?  

Delicious. Lol 

Favourite album?  

 All time? Thriller  

Where would you love to go on holiday this year? 

 I am visiting India and I am very excited.  

What is your favourite quote from a television show?  

“We were on a break!” ~ Friends 

Who is your favourite film character and why? 

Tough one… Panda from Kung Fu Panda? He is absolutely crazy about what he  wants and truly believes in it and eventually people see it too!

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