
The 30 Day Book Challenge! – Day 27 – The Most Surprising Plot Twist or Ending

Welcome to a brand new feature that is going to run for this month – this April we are going to celebrate the world of Books! The last few weeks and months we have all been part of a weird world to say the least so this month we thought it would be nice to talk about something that allows you to escape even if it just for a chapter at a time. So this month we are taking on the 30 Day Book Challenge and looking at a different topic each day, enjoy!

30 day book challenge

Day 27: The Most Surprising Plot Twist or Ending
NAME OF BOOK:  Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, J.K.Rowling

harry p 6There were so many Harry Potter books that I could of written about but because I had already written about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I couldn’t include that again so I had to have a rethink.

I think another book that is full of plot twists is the sixth book – The Half Blood Prince, It is a book filled with so much information that when you first read it everything sort of happens so fast it is a sort of blur. However when you read is again everything really fits into place and you can appreciate just how well it is written.

The biggest plot twist comes near the end, I won’t go into it and spoil everything if you haven’t read it but it was a surprise. I remember the day that this came out, both me and mum bought a copy each and both sat there all day reading – we are both fast readers and ended up at the plot twists at the same time. It was in the early noughties when internet really wasn’t a thing that we had so it was nice to firstly have someone around to share what we had discovered and secondly noone spoiling anything.

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