
The Phoenix Remix Live! – INTERVIEW – Martin Dixon

On the 14th January, The Phoenix Remix is hosting it’s first ever live show and over the next few weeks we sit down with some of the acts that are performing at the show to find out more about them and what they have in store for the audience. Today we talk to stand up Comedian and TV Producer – Martin Dixon

New Project (5)


Hello tell us about yourself and three unknown facts!


My name is Martin, I’m a stand up comedian and TV producer. Three unknown facts about me…
– I used to work at a theme park making doughnuts
– I’ve run two marathons and a triathlon
– I’ve seen Beyonce live around 15 times and in five different countries. I’m a big fan.

You are performing at the first ever Phoenix Remix Live how are you feeling about it?


I’m really excited about the event, it’s exciting to see performers that I’ve not seen before, although I know they’ll be good otherwise they wouldn’t be playing. The audiences are usually a bit more excited and supportive when there’s a good cause, so overall I think the whole night will be dreamy.
What do you have in store for the audience as part of your set?
I’ve got a bit of time to work on some new material so I’m not exactly sure yet. But I know it will be funny- promise! My usual stuff is usually a bit blue, I would expect to maybe be a bit shocked, but in a fun and non offensive way.

Why did you decide to do the show?


I was asked to do this show by one of the organisers and I was really flattered as she’s a pretty big deal, so I didn’t really need to decide! It was a just say yes situation. Also when I found out it was for Arts 4 Dementia I was doubly interested as my grandmother died earlier this year and she had dementia and I know how much the arts meant to her.

What are some of your favourite parts of the Phoenix Remix website and why?

I love all the interviews and I loved all the info that came out around Edinburgh Fringe as it was a great guide for what to go and see when I was up there.
How do you warm up for a Show?
I really try not to warm up, I try to sort of ignore that it’s about to happen as I don’t want to get too nervy. I tend to go quite quiet in the lead up and then harness my nervous energy into my performance. That and I go through the order of what I’m going to say repeatedly in my mind.

How do you get inspiration for the jokes you write?


I try and think of things I find annoying or embarrassing, those are the best sources for inspiration. I have an email draft on my phone I update a lot with ideas. I also sometimes scroll through my own twitter, to see what I was thinking at another point and hopefully that sparks something a bit longer.

It is the month of January what are your new years resolutions for your comedy this year?


I think just to do more stand up if I can. I’d really like to get out of London and do more shows up north.

The show is also raising money for charity Arts 4 Dementia – why should people donate?


I think people should donate to Arts 4 Dementia because they do great work. It seems as though not much can be done about getting older and dementia affecting people’s lives but I think it’s important that people can still find joy and purpose in artistic pursuits. I think that’s important and I really hope when I’m older, if I’m in a similar position, young people will feel the same.

If people want to find out more about you where can they find you on social media?


I’m on the Gram-  @_martinjdixon and twitter @MartinJDixon
Three words why people should come to Phoenix Remix Live?
Great Funny Fun

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