
The Christmas Shows – INTERVIEW – The Right Kind Of Trouble

With Christmas just around the corner many improv groups are celebrating the festive season by performing special themed shows! This month we are talking to acts who are celebrating the season in style! Today we speak to Rory of the Right Kind Of Trouble, they have a show at the Bill Murray pub this week!

The Right Kind of Trouble: Christmas Cracker!

right kind of trouble

Date: Wednesday 11th December

Location: Bill Murray in Angel

Price: £5

Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm



Hello Rory tell us all about your troupe?

We are The Right Kind of Trouble, an improv comedy team based in London, trained in Chicago-style long-form, narrative improvisation. We ask audiences for a word to create a world full of characters, story, truth, emotion and laughter.



What is the show that you are bringing to the stage in this Festive season?

This year we have a special Christmas show, which is becoming a bit of a tradition. It’s a chance for us to try some new things, put in a bit of festive silliness and have a massive laugh with audience.



Will there be a bit of festivity in your show?

There will be elves, spirits and Santa may make an appearance, weather permitting.



What are your favourite things about the festive season and why?

Christmas is a time to kick back and relax with a mince pie. It’s not an opportunity to ruminate on how your life has gone terribly, terribly wrong. It’s fun and a chance to see old friends. It’s not a time to be kettled into a room of acquaintances that you have nothing in common with apart from that you’re all eating the same canapés.



This time of year the venues tend to be a bit busier as well – do you find that the audience changes at all?

We do find that audiences can be a bit more boisterous and up for interacting, with a devil-may-care attitude brought about by attending a haze of Christmas parties which have left them in a deep festive stupor.




What advice would you give for people performing around the festive season – is it important to drop a Christmas related theme into it?

There’s a lot of talk of Christmas about at Christmas, so there’s no need to ram it home in a show. But sometimes, just sometimes, the festive spirit descends and for a brief hour all is well in the world. This is what you will witness if you come to our show, guaranteed.



What is the best thing about a night at your show for the audience?

We find the audience enjoy coming with us into a freshly created world, inspired by their suggestions, inhabited by characters that make sense only within it, and then seeing what kind of trouble they get into…



If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

People can find us on Twitter at TRKoTimprov, by searching on Facebook for The Right Kind of Trouble and or at



What is YOUR favourite show you have done this year and why?

My favourite show was performing at Hoof’s fantastic monthly night at the Taproom in Islington. It’s always a great night, and they pack a lot of talent into a small room.



And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show?

Laughter. Mischief. Crackers.




For this years Christmas Quick fire I am going to give you a handful of song titles and film titles related to the season and I want you to tell me the first improv scenario that comes to your brain and what you would do with this suggestion?


The Christmas Chronicles

christmas chronclicl (Suggestion inspired by this  2018 film)

Columbus has sailed around the world to finally discover Plymouth.



The Search For Santa Paws

santa paws (Suggestion inspired by this  2010 film)

Evil scientist wants to put graft paws onto Santa in revenge for Santa sleeping with his wife.




pancer(Suggestion inspired by this  1989 film)

Louis Spence is enslaved by Father Christmas.



Santa Who?

santa who(Suggestion inspired by this 2000 film)


Just like the film It’s a Wonderful Life, Santa is shown by an angel what life would be like had he never existed.



Silent Night

(Suggestion inspired by this famous Christmas song)

Two monks who have taken a vow of silence are trying to decide what to watch on TV.




Spin Me A Christmas

(Suggestion inspired by this Christmas song by Aqua)

A fitness instructor realises the true meaning of Christmas is love of humankind, not tight abs.



Christmas Conga

(Suggestion inspired by this Christmas song by Cyndi Lauper)

After a nuclear fallout the inhabitants of a bunker enjoy a Christmas Conga. The last one to join the conga will be eaten by the others when the music stops.



Christmas Wrapping

(Suggestion inspired by this Christmas song by The Waitresses)

Two rappers rap about their lives and it’s surprisingly poignant.





Proper Crimbo

(Suggestion inspired by this Christmas song by Bo Selecta)

In a quiet mining village, two old miners, Frank and Harry, discuss the great loves of their lives.



Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

(Suggestion inspired by this Christmas song by Elmo & Patsy)

A sombre encounter between a doctor, who has some bad news about Grandma post-reindeer collision, and a tearful family who fear the worst RE the antlers.




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