A Quick Conversation With...

INTERVIEW -A Quick Conversation with: Pher,

Welcome the feature where we ask musicians or bands five really tough questions about music! Today I speak to the  alternative  London hip-hop musician Pher, Today I speak to the artist with a few questions about the music industry.

What is the hardest lyric you have ever had to write and why?

Honestly I don’t have one – I write from a place of pure emotional freedom so all my lyrics flow quite effortlessly. 

What is the weirdest gift or compliment a fan has given you?

I haven’t had anything weird happen but a really sweet gift was that a play was written that was inspired by my song “daylight” which was super amazing

What one of your songs has been the most difficult to rehearse for a live audience?

None really – I get up, get my lines in and enjoy the moment 


Dream Collaboration and why ?

Quincy Jones – I’d love to ask a lot of questions about his musical influences and how he was able to meld them into his production and see how he could do that with me.

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