
The Travel Book – Travel Through A Photo – Florence, Italy

There is always a story behind a photograph and I thought it would be a fun way to look at the world of travel. So, welcome to the feature that will appear regularly in the travel section.

If there is one thing that you notice about Florence in Italy when you visit is that there are some really grand pieces of architecture. The shapes that are incorporated into the buildings are fascinating. Today we are going to look at one of the photographs that I took when I was there.

This building truly fascinated me when I saw it as it is incredibly detailed and the more you look at it the more workmanship that you can see that went into the actual design.

I really love the contrast of colours in the photo and on the building as well. The bright white building with the dark lines in between make it really beautiful and I had not seen a building like this before. I think that is one of the reasons that I really liked this was because it was so unique.

I think the building is a church and I think that on some level that is why it has a sense of grandeur as Italy is a very religious country. As a tourist I really enjoyed the architecture of this building.

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