
Liverpool Improvisation Festival – INTERVIEW – Shades of Emotion, [Pairentheses]

This month I will be talking to different acts that are taking part in the Liverpool Improvisation Festival. Today I speak to  [Pairentheses] about the show Shades of Emotion

Shows: Shades of Emotion
Location: Unity 2, Liverpool
 20th April
Time: 18:30
Ticket Price: 
£7 Concessions £6

Hello! Tell us about your act ? 

We’ve been improvising together in different groups for over 10 years and decided that we wanted to make the most of our connection onstage by working together as a duo. The trust that you build up with someone over that time gives you the confidence to really let deep scenes develop. We’ve played co-workers, lovers, family, friends and strangers – some or all of those will probably find their way into this series of loosely connected scenes. We hope that some of them will come back to haunt you long after the festival is over.

How did you come up with the name of your show that you are taking to Liverpool Improv Festival?

We love playing with a full range of improvisation from the serious and dramatic to the foolish and fun. We wanted a format that would connect with the audience and give them a reflection of situations that they could connect with. ‘Shades of Emotion’ ties all of that together with an audience suggestion of a colour leading to an emotion evoked by that.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

Expect a little bit of everything. Except singing. There will not be singing. There will definitely not be singing. If singing starts, head for the emergency exits.

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the festival?

As much as we can manage to catch! It looks like there will be some grizzly murders on Friday night, so that should be fun. Also looking forward to watching Monica and Jodyanne in Derek’s Mojo – Questionable Behaviour.

What is the best thing about performing at the Liverpool Improv festival?

A chance to bring the show to a new audience and to see some other performers. Every festival has a unique flavour, so this will be great to add another cocktail to the collection.

What are your three favourite things about Liverpool?

Conrad is from Manchester. Don’t ask Conrad. Seriously, though, we are both looking forward to discovering the city. Conrad hasn’t been since the early nineties long before Liverpool’s modern era and stint as European Capital of Culture and Simone hasn’t experienced it yet. Also, we heard about a great band from Liverpool (no, not that one: Pele!).

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Someone who is ready and willing to laugh and cry in an audience full of total strangers. Preferably both at the same time. It’s always great to have someone with an infectious laugh and a goofy sense of humour in the audience. Having newcomers to improv as well is an absolute gift. And for those people: no, there wasn’t a script!

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

Check us out on MySpace and AOL – we’re really hip and up-to-date!

And Finally finish this sentence – ‘you should see our show at Liverpool Improv Festival because…. 

… it will make a great story to tell the grandchildren one day.

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