
Funny At The Fringe – INTERVIEW – Sketch Up!

It is festival season and that means that in the next month there is so many great comedy festivals to look forward to! This month we are looking at some of the great shows that you can see at the Edinburgh Fringe. So take note because we are going to give you all the information you need for just a handful of some of the great shows happening this year!

Sketch Up!

Location:   Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire – Main Room (Venue 338)

Dates: Aug 3rd-9th, 11th-19th

Time: 12:30

Price: Pay What You Can

Ticket Link:

Hello! Tell us about yourself? 

Hello! I’m Rachel E. Thorn and I’m a comedy writer, mostly for BBC radio.

How did you come up with the name of your show that your taking to the fringe?

It’s a sketch show, so I definitely wanted “sketch” in the title. I like the way it sounds like it means something but actually doesn’t, kinda like Kodak or Coldplay!

Tell us all about your show!

Sketch Up is a collection of my audio sketches performed live, just like a proper radio recording. I love using sketch to highlight the silliness of modern life, so my material deals with dating, marriage, kids. You know, life and death. Oh, and linguistics! There’s also a few good spoofs in there this year. I’ve written quite a lot for impressionists, so I love a good parody. 

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

I was in a writers’ room with double Funny Women winner Lorna Rose Treen so I can’t wait to see Skin Pigeon at Pleasance.

Have you done the fringe before? What are the key pieces of advice you have been given or would give to new groups or people performing at the fringe. 

I’ve been fringing for a decade now. I even took my solo show Lovefool in 2021 so I’m pretty committed to it! My key piece of advice is to know why you’re doing fringe and prioritise that. If you’re going for the experience, that’s great. Keep smiling and make sure you check out at least one really random show every day. In my case, I go to share my comedy with audiences, so I do everything I can to make it as good as possible. And that includes sleeping and eating properly!

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

Oh, see, I’m a sketch writer. I like creating a story and characters to shine a light on something absurd, so I’m not really into one-liners. For me, one-liners are like whiplash but a sketch is like a road trip with your besties.

What have been some of the most unique and different comedy shows you have seen this year and why?

I saw Troy Hawke at the Leadmill recently. Character comedy taken to the max. Loved it.

Talk us through your daily routine for a day at the Fringe

I’ll start the day with an egg on toast while Hugh makes the most elaborate coffee imaginable and Alex raises a wry eyebrow. We usually have a script meeting, then the three of us will smash out a Sketch Up show. I’ll probs do a spot of flyering and have a ham-and-grape salad, then we’ll warm up for MATES: The Improvised ‘90s Sitcom at 4:30. After that the boys will have a cheeky pint and if I’m lucky Alex will do his carbonara. Lush. Then we’ll see as many shows with as many of our chums as we can!

What is the best way to enjoy yourself at the fringe?

Go back to that question of why you’re there and do whatever it takes to fulfill that goal.

Best thing about performing at the fringe?

The audiences. 

The most challenging thing about performing at the fringe?

Being away from the fam.

What would be your top three items every performer must take to the fringe?

Water bottle. Thermos flask. Raincoat. It’s kind of like going on a long hike but without the boring hiking bit and with loads of awesome shows.

What’s the secret to successful flyering? 

Just have a chat to people. In my experience Edinburgh audiences are always up for a genuine chat about what you’re doing and why.

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

An awesome sketch writer like someone from The Fast Show or Cowards or Big Train or Armstrong & Miller.

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

I’m on Twitter @RachelEThorn1. And no, I don’t know who the other one is!

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show? 

“Best Edinburgh show”. Those aren’t my words and sadly they aren’t the words of a really respected broadsheet reviewer. But they are the words of a woman who saw Sketch Up last year and told me it was the best thing she’d ever seen at Edinburgh. I felt honoured.

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