
Funny At The Fringe – INTERVIEW –2 Mouthed Men

It is festival season and that means that in the next month there is so many great comedy festivals to look forward to! This month we are looking at some of the great shows that you can see at the Edinburgh Fringe. So take note because we are going to give you all the information you need for just a handful of some of the great shows happening this year!

2 Mouthed Men

Location:  Underbelly, Bristo Square – Friesian (Venue 302)

Dates: Aug 3rd-11th

Time: 17:20

Price: £12.50 Concession £11.50

Ticket Link:

Hello! Tell us about yourself? 

Hello! We are Daniel and James and we are the 2 Mouthed Men! We’re a music comedy duo that combines a whole bunch of things like beatboxing and sketch comedy to make a funky jaunt of a show. 

How did you come up with the name of your show that you’re taking to the fringe?

Daniel is a bit of rhyme nerd and likes multisyllabic half rhymes. Comedy and odyssey are one of them. 

Tell us all about your show!

1 hour (ish) of high octane, funkadelic beats, sketches and comedy. Have we mentioned there’s beatboxing?

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

The Showstoppers as always! Ania Magliano and Rob Madge will probably sell out so definitely book them in advance because they’re amazing. 

Have you done the fringe before? What are the key pieces of advice you have been given or would give to new groups or people performing at the fringe. 

DON’T GO TO HIVE. Or do. We can’t control you. 

What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

We’ve always been inspired by acts like Flight of the Concords, Bo Burnham and Aunty Donna. In particular at the Fringe we’ve really enjoyed Harry & Chris and their various solo ventures. 

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

‘I can eat a fork with my spoon’ was a blunder James said once and it stopped the show for a hot minute. 

What three items are essential for a successful Fringe? 

1. Water

2. A Poncho.

3. Tote bag if you’re trendy. Deep pockets if you’re cool. 

What have been some of the most unique and different comedy shows you have seen this year and why?

We saw Katie Pritchard at a comedy competition earlier this year and she was mind-blowing, we’ve never seen someone with such veracity and energy on stage – also helps that she’s hilarious. Anna Mann (Colin Hoult) was an incredible display of character comedy at its finest.

What is the best way to enjoy yourself at the fringe?

Naps. One less pint than you normally would have. 

What is the best thing about performing at the fringe?

Variety of audiences. It’s one thing to have a not very well sold out show and then the next day having it sold out but also having audience members from all over the world come to shows and love it. 

The most challenging thing about performing at the fringe?


What would be your top three items every performer must take to the fringe?

1. Ibuprofen

2. An Umbrella

3. A can-do attitude stuffed into a well sized rucksack.

What’s the secret to successful flyering? 

Daniel – We’ve found aggressively beatboxing at people and holding out a flyer works a treat, results may vary depending on how good you are at beatboxing. That and James is 6’4 and very handsome so he will always get approached by people

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Maybe Dave?

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

@2mouthedmen on all the socials

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show? 

We need money

No seriously: Beatboxing, Funky, Funny

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