
Today’s Featured Artist – INTERVIEW – A Permanent Shadow

Tell us about:

Your latest single you have released:

Our new single is called “The Wait” and talks about people waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen. It’s a call to action to take your life in your own hands instead of “sitting and waiting and hoping and praying”. 

Your favourite lyric in this song: 

“With expectations oversized, you know that nothing really matters, cause every dream you nurture will always end up shattered.” Happy-go-lucky it ain’t.

Your favourite song that you have created that is an album track:

“Little Ones” is my current favourite. Guess who Mickey, Gary, Jimmy and Ian are and what they have in common. One cue: They’re either dead or in jail. Not the nicest people to hang out with, for obvious reasons!

Your favourite song to play live:

We don’t play live much, but I love doing covers live. One we did was Scott Walker’s “Man From Reno”, as well as a mash-up of Adamski’s “Killer” with “Boys Boys Boys” by Sabrina. That went down a storm!

The song that was the longest to write and why?

There’s a song on the new album “No Leaf Clover” called “Bubbles of Humanity”. I wrote the first draft of lyrics some 25 years ago, then left it untouched for many years and only remembered it during the writing sessions for the new record. I simply didn’t like it much in the beginning and was not even sure what it was about. But life experience sometimes makes you see that your lyrics made sense all along, you were just not aware of it when you were younger!

Your most emotional track:

On our first record there is a song called “Sailor” which is an ode to the late and great David Bowie, my all-time favourite artist. I wrote it in the aftermath of his death.

Dream collaboration:

I’d love to work with The Anchoress from Wales, I think she is a tremendous artist. On the production side of things, it would be interesting to work with Youth from Killing Joke.

Describe the feeling you get when you walk on stage to do a show:

Playing live is like a drug, you can never get enough of it. That said, we’ve played some not so great shows where you get the feeling that you’re wasting your time. But when it’s good it’s really good.

The hardest track to play live:

We have a nine-minute song called “Day Zero” which is extremely hard to pull off as it’s got many different parts that some players find hard to remember.

Essential items you always take on tour with you?

Sunscreen, MP3 player, music magazines and books. I don’t use Spotify much as I listen to a lot of music that’s not on there, live bootlegs, for instance.

Describe your fans in three words:

Small in numbers.

A song by another artist or band you wish you had written:

Any song by David Bowie, except for the Laughing Gnome. 

What we can look forward to from your band this year: 

We’ll have a new single out in April which comes with an interesting video, and towards the end of 2024 we are planning to release the second instalment of our “UnderCover” covers series which will feature some surprising choices.

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