Camden Fringe Festival 2023

Camden Fringe 2023 – INTERVIEW – Susan Harrison (Work In Progress)

It is August which only means one thing – it is Camden Fringe time! Over the next few weeks we are chatting to acts that are performing at the festival and finding all about their show and what they would call this years iconic Camden Fringe Pigeon! Today we speak to  Susan Harrison about her Work In Progress show

Date: 26th & 27th August
14:00 / 18:30
Price: £6 Concession: £5
: Bill Murry / Aces and Eight
Ticket Link

Hello! Tell us about Susan Harrison (Work in Progress)? 

This is a work in progress character comedy show.  I’m so excited to be working on a new show again and to be trying out brand new characters! Some of these characters might feel like the types of people you’ve met before but others will be a bit more surreal and visual. 

I love interacting with audiences so there will definitely be some interaction, but in a fun, gentle, consensual way! I’m also an improviser so no doubt there will be plenty of spontaneous moments and a little bit of improv.  To sum up – character, interaction and a sprinkling of improv! 

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

It’s character comedy but on the alternative side of things, so it’s a bit surreal at times. Weird, visual stuff alongside character observations. I also do a bit of (non-scary) interaction with the audience.

What will your set be about?

It’s a work in progress so I’ll be trying out brand new characters and bits with the audience. Some characters will feel like people we’ve met in real life and others will be inanimate objects!

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

I’m really looking forward to seeing Matt Green, Nerine Skinner and Paul F Taylor. 

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

I haven’t done the Camden Fringe before but am looking forward to it! 

I’ve done the Edinburgh Fringe many times before. My favourite show that I did in Edinburgh was a show called Creatures which involved me playing an embittered mermaid and a borrower who was addicted to tipex and involved lots of massive oversized props. 

I love playing non-humans, hence this being so fun to do. 

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Camden Fringe next year?

Do it!

What is the best thing about performing at the Camden fringe?

Being able to sleep in my own bed at night. Bliss. 

London can be an expensive place to perform in – what key advice would you give to performers that is a sort of life hack?

I wish I had a life hack. If anyone has a life hack about anything do let me know. My life hack is to ask you for a life hack. 

What are your three favourite things about Camden?

1. The markets because they remind me of being a 15 year old hunting for t-shirts

2. All the great venues to perform at or see shows

3. The Coffee Tree on Camden High street. It’s THE best place for gluten free brownies 

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

I don’t really do one-liners so it would have to be the image of me emerging from a giant can of soup….you had to be there.

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Tony Robinson. I imagine he’d be smiley and a really generous laugher. 

The iconic image of the Camden Fringe is the Pigeon – if you could call this years pigeon a name to represent its style what would it be and why?

Archibald Prosecco – I think this sums up his lofty aspirations. 

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

Twitter: @SueHarrison123

Instagram: @SusanYeeha

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show? 

Brand new characters!

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