
Sunday Book Club – Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

Every Sunday we are taking a look at the world of books. I read a lot and always want to share my opinions on what I read, so I thought it would be fun to write reviews. Today we are going to look at the classic novel.

Little Women (1868)

Louisa May Alcott


Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth – four ‘little women’ enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England.

– from Waterstones

Positive Points

Initially, I found this book really engaging and I was surprised that I became really invested in it. I found it really easy to read and it was a book that I was initially not that enthusiastic to read but that is probably why it is a classic and so many companies have made adaptations. I did not know anything about the story apart from everything I learnt from Joey in Friends. It is well written and it is really easy to paint  a picture of the characters.

Negative Points

When I started reading this book I didn’t realise that there was two parts to the book. I found that the first part was a lot easier to engage with. The second part is important but I personally found at times I found my mind drifting and becoming distracted.

Overall Review

When you read books like this, you understand why they are a classic, I am not sure I will read it again in a rush but I am glad that I did and understand it better then I did.

Rating : **** 3 Stars

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