The Travel Book

The Travel Book – Airport Hacks That May Help You Out…

If there is one thing then everyone loves then it is a hack and today I am going to talk about airports in the United Kingdom. I have to travel a lot for work so I find myself in an airport quite a lot of the time and when I have been in them I have started to learn key things that may help you this summer when you are travelling. So here are some top tips for the next time you fly.

Let’s talk cheap water

Whilst a lot of people these days take their own bottle through security to top up at the other end, for a lot of people this is not the case and you want to actually buy water in the departures lounge. I am one of these people because mainly I forget to bring my own bottle and I have learnt a lot in the past year or so – so many shops rip you off. From all my travelling I have discovered that the cheapest shop to buy water in is Boots. Go to all the other shops and you will see that they are charging anything from 50p upwards more then Boots for the same size and brand – I have no idea why but that is going to save you a bit of money.


This is an important one to many people – finding clean and quieter toilets. The best ones to go to are nearer to the gates that don’t have any airplanes at them. So this may seem like an obvious thing to do but so many people do not do this – they will be quieter and you will be able to go to the toilet a lot quicker. I have discovered that a lot of the cleaner toilets tend to be on the edges of the shopping areas as they are so in demand but you may have to queue longer.


If you are wanting to eat a basic lunch then I would suggest that you buy it in the shops before the security. They tend to be very slightly cheaper and as long as they are not liquid you should be able to bring it through security. It does not always work out super cheap, the best would be to buy it before the airport but why not save a couple more pennies.

Dinner / Hot Food

While we are talking about food lets talk about hot food in the pubs and restaurants. There is something I have noticed in London and it is a hack I now do a lot. Main meals are becoming incredibly pricey and it can work out a lot cheaper to buy a side and a starter – you can save pennies and also get a decent meal size. In the past I have had something like chicken wings for starter and a side of chips and saved a fiver as the main courses were so expensive for the same size.


Want a seat and want it in a quieter area – then head to the gates where you can return from – there are many alleyways and hallways where you can sit but are not used so be on the hunt for them – just make sure you can definitely get back to the departures area if you need to.

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