
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! Today we Turn 9!

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Pexels.com

Nine Years.

Just read that again – Nine Years.

I genuinely cannot believe I have been writing this site for so long but I have enjoyed every second.

I get to the end of every year and wonder if I will be writing this in a years time and I have these moments when I am not sure – then a year pasts and here I am – just under 1,000 articles written, hundreds of acts interviewed, Fringes comes and gone and then the cycle restarts again.

Every year I am amazed just at how many people engage with the site and every year I am really grateful.

What you see on these pages is all done voluntarily, or what as I usually say ‘a hobby that got out of hand!’ I cannot believe its been nine years and that next year is the tenth!

Thank you again for all your support in reading and engaging with the website.

If you want to help support the website then you can! You can buy Holly a cup of tea (and a biscuit!)

Thank you again for reading for all this time and strap your seatbelts in because the next few months are going to be exciting with a lot of articles!

Categories: Writing

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