
Today’s Featured Artist – INTERVIEW – Serena Ittoo

Tell us about:

Your latest single you have released: 

My latest single “Believe Again” came out in April and at present its my favourite song I’ve written and released so far in my early career. It explores themes of past life energy, soulmates, future and destiny. 

It’s about finding someone who you were destined to meet who ultimately changes your life forever – making you see and feel the beauty of life again, in a way you never saw it before. The song expresses pure gratitude for their soul and energy they have brought into your life. It’s something magical and can’t really be explained but when you meet it feels so familiar but completely new at the same time. They renew your childlike faith, innocence and love for life, making you “believe again”.

Your favourite lyric in this song:

“Time knows you made me believe again”

It sounds very cliché however that is the ultimate powerful statement I wanted to make in the song. I feel it’s the highest compliment and gratitude you can pay towards someone. ”.  I feel that anyone who has ever been through really hard challenges and struggles in their life will know how powerful this statement is. It’s also written in a way that even those who are struggling at present, can feel uplifted in knowing that “time knows” they will believe again. So it’s also very hopeful and can feel just as meaningful and special for those who have achieved that feeling of believing again as well as those who are looking to get to place of believing again.

Your favourite song that you have created that is an album track:

I haven’t actually created an EP/album yet due to being in the very early stages of my career. But I actually wrote a song called “My Heaven” over the Christmas period and although I don’t feel its strong enough to be a single, I do really like its sentiment and lyrics. So I guess at the moment it’s my favourite track that if to be released, would be part of an EP or album.

Your favourite song to play live:

I haven’t done many live sets to be honest as of yet as I really want to make sure I have a solid set of songs that I feel performance ready to take live with a band. I think the answer to this question is a song that’s due to be released in the next few months, so maybe you’ll be able to guess it based on the excitement of my face when I sing it haha!

The song that was the longest to write and why?

My song “My Heart Is Yours” actually. I had initially come up with the idea of the chorus and what is the 2nd verse however I couldn’t really seem to turn it into something more than this. Steve Garry is a co-writer on the track and I do believe I was divinely guided to meet him so he could help me finish this song. I always say I couldn’t have completed the song without Steve because he really made it what it is. His verses are beautiful and he really helped guide the structure to bring the song to life. 

Your most emotional track:

My Heart Is Yours I’d say. It’s my most authentic message in a storytelling song and comes from a place of unconditional and pure love.

Dream collaboration:

Jon Bellion! I find him really inspiring and creative! I feel he puts his heart and soul into everything he writes, produces, sings etc.! I just feel he has so much fun doing what he does and you can energetically hear this through his work. He’s very versatile and I find it so interesting to hear songs he’s co-written and produced for other artists as well as his own material!

Describe the feeling you get when you walk on stage to do a show:

Grateful for the opportunity and proud of myself. Don’t get me wrong I do get nervous but ultimately I’m excited to do what I love doing the most – performing!

The hardest track to play live:

It’s my next single actually (always future paced haha!). It’s a track called “Another World”. When I was recording vocals for it, it made me realise it’s not an easy track to sing especially once the main chorus kicks in throughout the second half of the song. So this is one I’m excited for but know it will take a lot of practise to nail live!

Essential items you always take on tour with you?

I’ve got a way to go yet I think, however I’d love to tackle this question slightly different to what you would maybe expect. I’d say something that is essential for when you go on tour, is making sure you still keep in contact with those you love – whether that’s family, friends, mentors etc. Just knowing they are there (even if they’re a phone call away) is really important for your mental health as an artist. My guitar teacher/mindset mentor Daniel from an early age has always made me see how beneficial and needed it is to have your ”set of people” to keep you going. He calls this the five golden egg holders haha! He describes this analogy fantastically in that these egg holders give you energy, fuel and encouragement to keep you moving forwards. So I can imagine myself – as best as possible – still trying to keep some form of mini timetable/routine to ensure that I still keep my health and wellbeing balanced.

Describe your fans in three words:

My family, friends and mentors haha! All jokes aside, I’d say my fans are and will be authentic, spiritually aligned (as in they are called to listen to and support my music for their own personal reasons) and super supportive (as these are the types of people and energies we want behind us!)

A song by another artist or band you wish you had written:

I don’t wish I wrote it as it’s so authentic and raw to him but definitely want to give a nod to “Wonder” by Shawn Mendes – I feel it’s so clever and you can really feel it! I love the music video also and how he captured that feeling of love and the waves of its emotions through different things such as the rush of an open air train and rain etc! Maybe I’m not giving justice to how I’ve just explained that but when you watch it you’ll know what I mean. When he hits his choruses, musically it says so much through it sounds and how it makes us feel. His intention with each part of the track is really meaningful and so well thought out!

What we can look forward to from your band this year:

A new set of single releases which I feel helps to define me more of an artist. They’ve helped me find my sound a bit more which is great! Also hopefully towards the end of year, thinking about a live band and some live shows!

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