
Liverpool Improvisation Festival – INTERVIEW – Old Haunts, Open Heart Theatre

This month I will be talking to different acts that are taking part in the Liverpool Improvisation Festival. Today I speak to Open Heart Theatre about the show Old Haunts.

Shows: Old Haunts
Location: Unity 2, Liverpool
 19th April
Time: 16:00
Ticket Price: 
£7 Concessions £6

Hello! Tell us about your act ? 

Old Haunts is an improvised play – it puts the idea of accessibility front and centre using integrated audio description, narration and storytelling to make the show a great experience for the blind and visually impaired community – but without compromising on the improvisation. 

We take the concept that every location has its own spirit – and the history of the place and the stories it has seen influence the action we see. 

It’s an improvised drama and comedy with a unique story telling twist. 

We think that improvisation has been slow to embrace accessibility. Too many shows/workshops happen up stairs, the blind and deaf community only catered for in the smallest way by the biggest shows. We wanted to create a show that addressed at least some of that, but making the adaptations add to the show.

How did you come up with the name of your show that you are taking to Liverpool Improv Festival?

Old Haunts was initially performed at Newcastle Improvisation Festival in 2019 before being adapted to the new version over the last year. 

The title comes from the idea of being “haunted” by the past in a non supernatural way. It also has the double play on words because an “Old Haunt” is a location we are familiar with, and the show treats its location as a character.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

It is improvised theatre that will see a mix of drama and humour. 

There is also a lot of storytelling and detailed scene painting. The whole show is live audio described by a character in the show and this leads to a unique dynamic. 

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the festival?

There are so many great acts. 

Immediately after us there is Hardy and Webb – two of the most wonderful playful improvisers. 

Vujoza is an incredible Polish Drag King bringing a musical, solo, drag improv act. 

Derek’s Mojo are at the top of the TwoProv game.

And I must give a shoutout to Simone Ellul (that I am lucky enough to get to perform with in Living.Dying.Dead) bringing a new show with Conrad Taft

What is the best thing about performing at the Liverpool Improv festival?

Liverpool is an incredible city. I first started performing improv here just under 20 years ago and now the scene is completely different but more dynamic then ever. 

The Unity Theatre is a great stage.

What are your three favourite things about Liverpool

The people

The places

The Art

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Good question.

I’d love to get some feedback by some top theatre directors/producers because I am interested in where improv sits in the theatre community.

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

I am personally on twitter and instagram as Scrivvyfloor (a reference to my first improv group in Liverpool Sticky Floor)

And Finally finish this sentence – ‘you should see our show at Liverpool Improv Festival because…. 

It is a unique theatrical improv show – trying to push both accessibility and the art form to something new. 

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