
Trailblazers – What If Theatre

“Sorry about my muppet.”

Joy Carletti started the interview by apologising for her muppet in the frame.

Talking to Joy was enriching. She has so much drive and passion for art. Joy doesn’t just pine away for dreams. Her love is active. Being in the space of that energy inspires me to keep moving forward with my own improv projects. Joy and her partner Colin Iago McCarthy started an improv theatre. On their first date, they asked themselves what if they started an improv team? They went so far as to even write down possible names on napkins. Time passed and opening an improv theatre fell into “someday.

In 2019, Joy started an improv team called Streaky Bacon. Streaky Bacon is a narrative improv ensemble that is dedicated to perform the full breadth of humanity: comedy drama, intimacy, poignancy, depth. All while entertaining the audience.

In Spring 2020, they rented a theatre for a 3-week run. Then, the pandemic hit, and they had to cancel. The tone I read from Joy was that this was deflating. Starting in 2019, the troupe was still young, which can be very tenuous.

In early 2020, her regional improv community felt another setback when Bovine Metropolis Theatre shut. Bovine had been one of the major improv companies in the area, and although other improv companies still ran, it just meant less improv. It meant one less place to perform. It meant one less place to take classes. It meant one less perspective in the community.

At this time, Joy considered going for her Master of Fine Arts. After discussing the application process with several MFA mentors she felt dissuaded. It became a balance of asking whether she chase more MFA programs or chase the dream she and Colin discussed on their first date. In 2022, they signed the lease and What If Theatre was born. It would not have come together without the inspiration of the cast of Streaky Bacon. They even helped pick the name! Streaky Bacon is made up of Joy Carletti, Dre Ford, Reverie Klein, Chloe Liz, Colin Iago McCarthy, Devan Meck, Clayton Smith, and Harrison Wilterdink. ). It seems like they provide the core of What If theatre and an artistic foundation for Joy’s work.

“We’re doing weird shit, and that makes me happy,” Joy says. She has been proud of every show they’ve done. Joy loves the fact that she learns new things every day. “I love that I am in a job where I am learning about myself.”

When asked what advice she has for others considering opening improv theatres or starting new improv teams, she says, “Ask for help.” She is constantly inspired and grateful for the community’s participation and the Streaky Bacon members who made this all happen. 

Joy says of the members of Streaky Bacon improv, “They are my heart.”

Trailblazers is a series focusing on people who are building and contributing to the improv artform today. It is meant to document that new ideas pop up in improv all the time. We have tendency to uphold historical things as the most significant, and overlook that we are making history all the time. 10 years from now someone may be talking about the people in this series and what amazing things they accomplished. It isn’t too late for you to start your own team or company.

DAVID ESCOBEDO is a post graduate student researching improv in England. He has been performing and coaching since 1994. He still loves seeing new students perform and watching imperfect improv. He runs the Improv Boost and has a couple of series where he interviews practitioners regardless of their experience or years in improv. You can check out his podcast David is Curious on iTunes, Spotify or Stitcher.

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