The Travel Book

The Travel Book – Travel Through A Photo – The New Forest, Hampshire, United Kingdom

There is always a story behind a photograph and I thought it would be a fun way to look at the world of travel. So, welcome to the feature that will appear regularly in the travel section.

When I was at University in the South West, the New Forest was a place that I never went to very often but I always enjoyed it when I did visit.

There were so many unique locations and I never went to the same place twice. There are so many stories that often went with all these different trips and they always remind of certain areas I went to (even though I did not know they names). Even though I did not know these names I always took a lot of photographs.

Today’s photo was taken in the autumn one year around 2011 and it was just after it had rained – that i why there are so many dull colours in the sky.

I was there with an old friend who was teaching me how to do mushroom picking as in Latvia it is a common, traditional thing that they do. I liked this photo because I love the contrast between the bold green grass and the brown water.

There were many pretty ares of the New Forest and it is really easy to find these sort of areas as it is a wonderful place. I like this photo as it brings back happy memories and the fact that it is the New Forest always makes me smile.

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