Camden Fringe Festival 2023

Camden Fringe 2023 – INTERVIEW – Algo-Rhythm

It is August which only means one thing – it is Camden Fringe time! Over the next few weeks we are chatting to acts that are performing at the festival and finding all about their show and what they would call this years iconic Camden Fringe Pigeon! Today we speak to Leoni, Sinead and Rebeka about the show Algo-Rhythm .

Date: 22nd August
Price: £7.50
: The Bill Murray
Ticket Link

How did you come up with the name of your show that you’re taking to the Camden fringe? 

Our show structure is heavily inspired by how social media algorithms sometimes know us better than we do ourselves, taking us to weird and wonderful corners of the internet we didn’t know we needed to see. It is also a musical show, so we wanted to slip in some musical terminology. Hence the name: Algo-Rhythm.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

It’s a musical sketch comedy. This means we sing original comedy bangers for your entertainment, but they don’t tell a story like traditional musicals do. They are loosely linked individual sketches.

What will your set be about?

We are looking at feminism, the complexities of sexual identity, the constant onslaught of social media and its seductive rabbit-holes, and anything else that draws our hyperfocus.

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

Some of the shows we’re looking forward to seeing are: Faustine at The Cockpit, Improv The Dead at The Hen & Chickens, Sex-Ed Revisited at The Rosemary Branch and Places I Never Think About at the Lion & Unicorn.

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

This is our first time performing at Camden Fringe. However, we have seen some great shows there such as S/He/It Happens, a genius interpretation of a clown’s trans journey and Fields of Asphodel, which showcased powerful and raw energy from an all-female cast.

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Camden Fringe next year?

Start early and never stop. And do it with some friends!

London can be an expensive place to perform in – what key advice would you give to performers that is a sort of life hack? 

To boost your ticket sales, move into the warehouses and have sixteen housemates.

What is the best thing about performing at the Camden Fringe?

It’s cheaper than performing at Edinburgh Fringe! Just kidding, we love the opportunity to perform in some of London’s most iconic venues, like The Bill Murray!

What are your three favourite things about Camden?

The unintelligible town cryer.

The punk who needs help to get drunk.

The overpriced orange juice.

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Michelle Gomez so Sinead can ask her out to dinner afterwards. 

The iconic image of the Camden Fringe is the Pigeon – if you could call this year’s pigeon a name to represent its style what would it be and why?

Their name is Gideon the Second. Regal. Theatrical. Is hiding a big stack of pancakes and secrets under their hat.

If people want to find out more about you, where can they follow you on social media? 

We’re on TikTok as @thereallyuselessgroup, Insta as @thereallyuselessgroup, and Twitter as @uselessgroup

(Links: and and

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show?

Sock-puppets. Bisexuals. Crisis.

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