Camden Fringe Festival 2023

Camden Fringe 2023 – INTERVIEW – Sex, Drugs & Hairy Bumholes

 It is August which only means one thing – it is Camden Fringe time! Over the next few weeks we are chatting to acts that are performing at the festival and finding all about their show and what they would call this years iconic Camden Fringe Pigeon! Today we speak to Danielle Scott about the show Sex, Drugs & Hairy Bumholes.

Date: 20th – 22nd / 23rd / 24th August
19:30 /21:00 / 18:00
Price: £14.50 Concession: £12.50
: Hens & Chickens Theatre
Ticket Link

Hello! Tell us about yourself ? 

Hello! I’m Danielle Scott, an actress and comedian from Wales. I’m a hundred miles an hour kind of person so it’s been wonderful to channel all my energy into creating my one woman show. I rescue snails and love pasta.

How did you come up with the name of your show that you’re taking to the Camden fringe?

I pondered about the name for ages. I wanted something cheeky and was toying with a play on words. I had a few ideas that were pinging around in my brain but nothing was saying YEAH that’s the one. Then I thought let’s just pick 3 key things that are in the show and write them down. Then Sex, Drugs and Hairy Bum Holes was born; bingo! I knew it was right cos I got so excited! I love it and hope you do too

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

It’s fast paced, I play numerous different characters which is my absolute favourite way to to tell my story. It’s a lot of fun, bit bonkers and also semi-autobiographical – sorry in advance mum!

What will your set be about?

It’s a dark comedy about a young woman who accidentally falls in love with a narcissist. Candi is catapulted into a hazy whirlwind of sex, drugs and sticky situations leading down a path littered with absurdities and an undercurrent of coercive control bubbling below the surface. How do we miss glaring red flags in relationships? Candi’s crazy story shows how easily it can be done and how some terrible choices can at least make a great story! 

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

Rhiannon Jenkins – Good Girl. Defective Inspector. Over Influenced.

Maybe I do.

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

I did the Camden Fringe in 2018 performing in tragic-comedy A Slice Of Eel Pie but this is my first time going solo with my own writing and I’m very excited!

I’ve seen so many fabulous shows over the years but a couple that really stood out are Meat Cute by Bibi Lucile and High Stakes by Eloina.

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Camden Fringe next year?

If you have an idea – just go for it. Commit early to get secured at your venue of choice. Use social media to connect with other performers as I’ve found there to be a really warm, friendly and supportive vibe on socials. Have a really clear vision of what your show is and who your target audience are as this will help when applying to venues if you’ve shown you have a real plan in place. 

What is the best thing about performing at the Camden fringe?

For me it’s the thrill that I’m doing this all by myself and the fear that I’m doing this all by myself – in equal measures! 

It’s such a great opportunity to get your work out there and the buzz around the whole festival is really exciting. 

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

All I can see is the skin of his balls and they look like a frigging turkey neck. 

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Joanna Lumley and Dawn French – to get them rolling in the aisles would be a dream!

The iconic image of the Camden Fringe is the Pigeon – if you could call this years pigeon a name to represent its style what would it be and why?

Dapper Darling because they looks tres chic in their top hat and everyone loves a darling feathered friend with a lil beak.

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

Insta: @__danielle__scott__

Twitter: @_danielle_scott

TikTok: @__danielle__scott__

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show?

Mad not to.

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