
Today’s Featured Artist – INTERVIEW – City Ghost

Tell us about:

Your latest single you have released:

Our latest single we have released is called Good News and it is a nostalgic rock track about mental health struggles and finding a light at the end of the tunnel.

Your first single and how you felt when it was released:

Our first single we released is called Silver to Gold. I felt very magical around that release because the song is very raw and emotional. The feeling of being a brand new band releasing new music is so organic and fresh. 

Your favourite song that you have created that is an album track:

It’s probably a tie between Silver to Gold and Good News. They both give me a feeling of timelessness. 

Your favourite song to play live:

Again with Silver to Gold. We’ve played this one the most as a band, and I also have played it acoustic in many scenarios. It’s one where I can count on seeing some friends and fans singing along to and it makes me so happy and emotional.

The song that was the longest to write and why?

I’d say Good News, because I wanted to keep it concise and have a powerful message so I had to be mindful about reeling it in as far as the message goes. Coming from a folk singer/songwriter style of writing, I am easily inclined to be extra detailed with storytelling, and for this particular track I felt that it needed more headline messages.

Your most emotional track:

Undoubtedly, Silver to Gold. It’s stemmed from a place of youthful, raw vulnerability and is about love and loss. 

The best lyric you have ever written:

I think the chorus in Silver to Gold:

“Strike up a match it’s getting cold

Everything’s going up in smoke

There is a blizzard in my bones

We coulda gone from silver to gold”

Describe the feeling you get when you walk on stage to do a show:

I feel a mix of major excitement and also asking myself wtf I signed myself up for, and who allowed me to do this haha. Nerves are definitely a real thing, but I’ve learned and am still learning to channel that into playing a good show and connecting with the entire experience. 

The hardest track to play live:

Our tracks are pretty straightforward to play for the most part, but I’d say ‘Weather Report’ from our second EP, mainly because of the dynamics.

Essential items you always take on tour with you?

Hydroflask, sunglasses, & headphones

Describe your fans in three words:

Pretty f******* badass!

A song by another artist or band you wish you had written:

This is such a good question and it’s so hard to choose one because there are so many, but I think I’d have to say ‘Back to Black’ by Amy Winehouse. Her way of storytelling with dynamic melodies, and soulful voice is so perfect. 

What we can look forward to from your band this year :

The release of our EP Cause and Effect in late summer! And we are currently working on show dates TBA. Hopefully some other surprises tba as well

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