Camden Fringe Festival 2023

Camden Fringe 2023 – INTERVIEW – Sian Hutchinson: Tick My Box

It is August which only means one thing – it is Camden Fringe time! Over the next few weeks we are chatting to acts that are performing at the festival and finding all about their show and what they would call this years iconic Camden Fringe Pigeon! Today we speak to Sian Hutchinson about the show Tick My Box.

Date: 4th & 5th August
Price: £7.50 Concession: £6.50
: Camden Comedy Club
Ticket Link

Hello! Tell us about yourself ? 

My name is Sian Hutchinson. I trained as an actor graduating from The Central School of Speech and drama in 2003. 

I am currently an actress and the joint programme leader of A Level Drama at Brighton’s Varndean College. I started performing solo sketches at Madame JoJo’s in 2005. My first one woman show, Clutching At Straws, was performed 15 years ago and did well in Edinburgh. I have co-written many sketch comedy shows with fellow actor Barry Glennon, under Barry And Sian BS Productions. Together, we won Best New Comedy BoomTish! And were nominated for Best Comedy (Brighton Fringe 2019). We were runners up in the Leicester Square Sketch Off! competition. That experience led to us having meetings with Warner Brothers for BBC3. I was also a Funny Women Awards nominee.

I met Amy of Lamb Comedy Productions when we both worked at SEE tickets in SOHO. It’s been twelve years since I performed a solo show and having been encouraged by Amy and others I decided to give it another whirl and was thrilled to receive the Audience Choice Award at this year’s Brighton Fringe. 

How did you come up with the name of your show that you’re taking to the Camden fringe?

The title ‘Tick My Box’ stemmed from the idea of how we all have a list of boxes that need ticking when it comes to finding a soulmate… it also has a slight – if not blatant – sexual innuendo that amused me.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

This show has been described as a ‘Talking Head’ (Alan Bennett) and the storytelling has been flatteringly been likened to the late Victoria Wood. It is an observant character comedy.

What will your set be about?

Sooz has had enough! Dumped by the love of her life Dave, Sooz is determined to re-embrace the dating scene the only way she knows how, with seven hot-to-trot dates, bags of dogged persistence and copious bottles of house white. All in one evening…! 

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

Splitting The Bill, Kat & Kat looks fun!

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

I performed in 2007 with my very first one woman show ‘Clutching at Straws’! ‘Shirley & Shirley’ are a brilliant female double act whom I have rated for years and had the pleasure of sharing digs with at the Edinburgh Fringe one unforgettable year! ‘Siblings’ is another female double act to watch and the fact they are actually sisters does help their dynamic making for much hilarity. 

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Camden Fringe next year?

If you want to perform at Camden Fringe my advice would be to come along and see some shows, chat to artists afterwards and speak to the venues. I always find the best way to understand how something is run is to be in the thick of it and be not afraid to ask even the ‘stupid’ questions. We all start somewhere! I would also pay attention to marketing your show

What is the best thing about performing at the Camden fringe?

It is a vibrant hub of activity and Camden is creative and bold. I used to live in Kentish Town so it is like coming home.

London can be an expensive place to perform in – what key advice would you give to performers that is a sort of life hack?

Try to be minimal with set and costume – that saves on transport costs and get in/out times. Have your own technician who knows your show and keep cues to a minimum – that saves on tech times that can be costly. Market your show! It is so important to spread the word even if you are nervous about it! Get bums on seats!

What are your three favourite things about Camden?

The vibe; the diversity; the history

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

‘I don’t put out on a first date, maybe a light grope and a bit of tongue if he’s lucky but no further; I’m not my Gran.’

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

Anyone who has managed to read up to this point! You clearly have a long enough attention span to deal with the likes of me! 

The iconic image of the Camden Fringe is the Pigeon – if you could call this year’s pigeon a name to represent its style what would it be and why?

Norman! Named after the most famous ringmaster Norman Barrett! He was famous for his budgies, the birds, not the smugglers…! 

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

Website (Camden Comedy Club)

Facebook (Lamb Comedy)

Instagram (SoozTMB)

Instagram (Lamb Comedy)

Instagram (Sian Hutchinson)

YouTube (Promo video)

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show? 

You’re Worth It!

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