Camden Fringe Festival 2023

Camden Fringe 2023 – INTERVIEW – Avocado Presents

It is August which only means one thing – it is Camden Fringe time! Over the next few weeks we are chatting to acts that are performing at the festival and finding all about their show and what they would call this years iconic Camden Fringe Pigeon! Today we speak to Hamza and Jake about the improv show Avocado Presents.

Date: 3rd & 4th August
Price: £7
: Hen & Chickens Theatre
Ticket Link

Hello! Tell us about yourselves? 

We’re bringing our improvised play, Avocado Presents, to the fringe this year, at the one and only Hen and Chickens. We get on stage with no plan, no script… Really no idea! We then build the show moment to moment. It’s a fun show with great music and a very chilled vibe. 

How did you come up with the name of your show that your taking to the Camden fringe?

Since it’s a different show each night, we figured the only constant would be us, Avocado, presenting a new play every time… so it’s ‘Avocado Presents’.

Tell us a little bit about your style of show?

We take a very different approach to improv than you might have seen, we really focus on the two of us, the vibe in the room, and create from there. We’re two very chilled guys, and we take that energy into the show, from the music we choose, to the slice of life vignettes, you get to know the characters in an Avocado show and hopefully, you miss them when the lights go down.

What will your set be about?

It’s improv so no idea, but we can promise comedy grounded in reality, with great characters with great tunes.

What other acts are you looking forward to seeing at the fringe?

There’s loads! Improv The Dead, Bad Movies, That’s Not My Name, Bareback Kings, Gamez, Michelle, Singh’ing in The Rain and AdLibretto

Have you done the fringe before? What have been some of your favourite shows to date and why?

Our first time at Camden Fringe, but we’ve doing the show for years. Probably some of our favourite shows are when we have our Avocado Houseparty, where we do a show and then stay in the theatre and throw a full on party til closing time. The audience is hyped up from the start and it feels like doing a show in our living room! All that’s missing is a disco ball… but that’s coming soon.

What advice would you give to others who want to perform at Camden Fringe next year?

Do it! The venues in Camden are some of the best in London, so many cool places to perform. From the little experience we have, we’d say register early and start promoting soon as you can!

What is the best thing about performing at the Camden fringe?

With any fringe, you’ll get audiences coming along on a whim, giving a show a try cause the poster looked cool. That’s our favourite, getting new people along who’re seeing it for the first time.

London can be an expensive place to perform in – what key advice would you give to performers that is a sort of life hack?

Do anything you can to advertise differently and cheaply, think of random ways to get the word out without spending much money, and do it often, often, often. We may not have tons of cash, but we can use our time and hit the pavement. Not much of a life hack I guess… how about… make show t-shirts and wear them out… free advertising!

What are your three favourite things about Camden?

The Woody Grill opposite the station, The Stables and the canal!

Favourite one liner you have done in a show and why?

‘Why would I lie about being Boris Johnson’s daughter?’

Who would be your ultimate dream audience member?

You, dear reader

The iconic image of the Camden Fringe is the Pigeon – if you could call this years pigeon a name to represent its style what would it be and why?

Sid. As in, Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. Camden always was and always will be punk and alt, doing something weird and wonderful is what the festival’s all about!

If people want to find out more about you where can they follow you on social media?

Insta – Avocado Improv

Twitter – @AvocadoImprov

And Finally in three words – Why should people come and see the show? 

Chill Yourself Out

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