
Sunday Book Club:Isle Of No’Man, Martin J Dixon

Every Sunday we are taking a look at the world of books. I read a lot and always want to share my opinions on what I read, so I thought it would be fun to write reviews. Today we are looking at a debut book of Martin J Dixon

Isle Of No’Man (2024)

Martin J Dixon


Heartbroken, stand-up comic George decides to escape from an emotionally chaotic London and runs away to the Isle of No’Man, swearing off all men…except for a stranger with movie-star good looks and a sexy seaman. Not a good start.

George is an unashamedly fat, effeminate gay man desperately trying to find his path back to happiness. He throws himself into this new adventure, immersing himself in managing the island café, whilst trying to win over the locals and juggling some outdoorsy hunks. But it’s not long before problems from his deeply entangled past find their way across the sea. Unexpected love reaches out to find a vulnerable George, but will his shattered heart be ready to receive it?

His story will help you believe in love again. Or at least enjoy the failings of a dramatic comedian-cum-barista along the way, who has no idea what he’s doing.

– from Amazon

Positive Points

This book is a pleasant read that is full of emotion and heartfelt characters that make you want to find out what happens. There is a lot of in depth description throughout that paint a clear description of the location and the characters. If you are looking for a book with an interesting concept then this is for you.

Negative Points

It can be hard to adapt to a new writers style of writing so initially it can be a bit hard to focus but keep with it and after chapter one you will settle into it. Throughout some of the chapters are quite long – as you develop more into the story they do become slightly shorter but at the beginning they do feel like they take up a lot of pages.

Overall Review

This debut book from Martin J Dixon is an enjoyable one as it has some really heartfelt and bold pieces of writing throughout. It may feel a bit hard to get into the book at first but stick with it and you will end up reading a book that is engaging, with some interesting characters and some really fun writing.

Rating : **** 4 Stars

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